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HAPPINESS (ITS COMPLICATED) | How to find happiness

 We human beings are happiness junkies,we all want happiness to serve us. Behind most of our actions choices and relationships, the demand is happiness but do we care about satisfaction?  If you are happy with whatever you are doing in life just ask yourself a question whether you are satisfied with what are up to. happiness and satisfaction are two different things. So now what satisfaction really is and why it's so important. Well it's more important than happiness but it doesn't mean that if you are satisfied you won't be happy the thing is you just have to figure out you have to be satisfied with whatever you are doing and happiness will follow up just believe in yourself just find yourself, what are interests these things will give you satisfaction and happiness but when you just follow someone just because of some peer pressure or because you so-called idol suggested to do something that might give you happiness but dude you will not be satisfied at all. So now le...

8 Ways to get out through financial crisis


Today we are gonna know about 8 ways to get out 

through a financial crisis that you might be  facing 


Financial cries has become a common topic, the reason probably is the pandemic situations.

But still nothing`s out of your hand your financial wellness is in your hand.

Uncovering beliefs around money can help attain financial wellness.

As per the research report 59% of the report  have been experiencing a negative financial impact.

For your well, being you must understand what financial wellness actually means.

1.     Financial literacy is knowledge about finances, such as what your credit score is and what the score means.

2.     Financial behavior includes decision-making around how you spend and save money.

Internal emotions toward money involve how you feel or think about spending money. Like how you build your assets and manage your liabilities.



So here are the 8 for upbringing your financial wellness.


1)    Reset restart and bounce back!

According to research, 52 percent of millennials regret how they handled their finances in 2020.

So the way is now clear not only you are the victim so now it’s time to bounce back the situation. And building your assets more profusely

2)   Uncover your money beliefs

To get an understanding of why you handle your money the way you do, Astle recommends taking the Klontz Money Script Inventory quiz that consists of about 50 questions.

The quiz helps to uncover your money beliefs, financial behaviors, and unconscious beliefs about money that are rooted from childhood.

3)   Practice gaining attention.

When making financial decisions, Astle says practicing mindfulness keeps you in check with your emotions.

“Anxiety and depression lead to a disconnect with our bodies. Our heads are in the clouds, and we’re not paying attention to the sensation in our bodies,” he said.

4)    BUDGET

Now budget maintenance is very crucial in building your finance

You have to learn how to build assets and manage liabilities.

Once you are managing follow it or write it down somewhere.

Discuss it with your family meet their needs too.


Below mention is a simple budgeting rule that you can follow:-

  • 50 percent goes to fixed costs like rent, utilities, and car payments.
  • 30 percent goes to flexible spending such as variable costs for groceries, entertainment, or shopping.
  • 20 percent goes to financial goals like building an emergency fund, paying down credit card debt and saving for retirement.

5)   Bring up your savings


Warren Buffett says: Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.


It might sound complex but as it said by great personality it has deep meaning. If you can relate, it may not feel  pleasant to break your savings but when you do it a purpose that makes sense, you might fell the of spending the savings though.


6)   Refinance student loans

Refinancing student loans to a lower interest rate or different payment plan can maximize your total savings on student debt and also reduce your overall monthly expenses.

You can look for some digital a platform for more information on how to proceed

7)   Manage your debts properly

‘The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.’ —Kin Hubbard

Manage debt s by following these below steps;-

·        Monitor your credit regularly

·        Pay more than the minimum, Always try to pay more than what’s due.

·        Know your limits

·        Know your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio

                   Lenders look at the amount of debt you have compared to your monthly income when extending new credit, so it’s a good idea to keep your DTI ratio under 35%.

8)   Get people in your corner

While talking about finances is taboo and uncomfortable, Astle says discussing it is a way to financial wellness. If you are having struggles with your financial wellness whether it’s needing to know more about your money, or need to make good financial behavior decisions, or you are experiencing internal psychological emotional stress, not having ways to connect with others, will make you feel really alone and make that mountain a lot harder to climb. Reaching out to others for help is a way to succeed.



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