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Showing posts with the label how to take decision

HAPPINESS (ITS COMPLICATED) | How to find happiness

 We human beings are happiness junkies,we all want happiness to serve us. Behind most of our actions choices and relationships, the demand is happiness but do we care about satisfaction?  If you are happy with whatever you are doing in life just ask yourself a question whether you are satisfied with what are up to. happiness and satisfaction are two different things. So now what satisfaction really is and why it's so important. Well it's more important than happiness but it doesn't mean that if you are satisfied you won't be happy the thing is you just have to figure out you have to be satisfied with whatever you are doing and happiness will follow up just believe in yourself just find yourself, what are interests these things will give you satisfaction and happiness but when you just follow someone just because of some peer pressure or because you so-called idol suggested to do something that might give you happiness but dude you will not be satisfied at all. So now le...

How to take decisions | how to take decisions in life

We all know that sometimes it's the smallest decision that can change your life forever. This may sound so simple but it's actually very complicated and crucial. Managing the decision is like the base of your empire. The eternal empire that you're gonna make up in your future so the decision are the fundamentals.      But as I said it is not easy to take decision most of the time, sometimes it's not up to you, you may stuck at the situation where you don't know what to do ahead and in this ambiguity you go for the foolish thing that we called as "opinion" or someone's suggestion, you expect him to tell what you have to do.     Ok ! so let's be clear be clear what I think here id it's not bad you go for opinion it can help you in 1 of the 10 situation but dude the rest of 9 are your call.     I don't usually believe in this opinion kind of stuff cause, look when I ask for opinion, it must be from some expertise of that particular...